JDM Outdoors | JDM Custom Builders | JDM Shed Builder | JDM Kidzspace Builder

Model Comparison

Model  |  Series

roof style and other product information (side and/or end entry unless noted).


3 models, built tough, kept simple. Comes with primer coat and six options only. 5-Yr warranty.

Boston | Catskill

Gambrel. 4' sidewalls, end entry only.


Hartford | Catskill

Gable, 4/12 or 7/12 pitch.  6’6’ sidewalls.

Mystic | Catskill

Gambrel. 6'6" sidewalls.

New England

4 Models, many sizes, options and accessories. Paint or stain included. 5-Yr warranty.

Boston | New England

Gambrel. 4' sidewalls, end entry only.

Delaware | New England

Saltbox. 5'6" & 6'6" sidewalls, side entry only.

Hartford | New England

Gable, 6'W -14'W: 4/12 or 7/12 pitch. 6'6" sidewalls. 16'W -24'W: 3/12 pitch. 7'2" sidewalls.

Mystic | New England

Gambrel. 6'6" sidewalls.


16 Models, many sizes, options, accessories and design variations. Paint or stain included. 20-Yr warranty.

Brookside | Signature

Gable, 5/12 pitch. 6'6" sidewalls. 3'x8' porch. Single & double doors. Dimensions include porch.

Elliot | Signature

Shed roof, 6'6" & 8' sidewalls. (Wall height varies slightly for delivery purposes.)

Fairview | Signature

Gable, 12/12 pitch. 4'D porch: 6'6" sidewalls. 7'D porch: 8' sidewalls. Dimensions include porch.

Gardener | Signature

Saltbox, 4' & 6'6" walls, translucent roof,  
workbench and 12" shelf.

Hampton | Signature

Hip roof, 8/12 pitch. 6'6" sidewalls.

Horizon | Signature

Gable, 8/12 pitch. 6'6" sidewalls. 4’D porch, Cathedral ceiling.
Dimensions include porch.
12'W factory-built sheds have a 7/12 pitch.

Lexington | Signature

Gable, 5/12 pitch. 6'6" sidewalls. 4'D porch. Dimensions include porch.

Marco | Signature

5-sided design. 6'6" sidewalls.

Newport | Signature

Gable, extended eave, 5/12 - 8/12 pitch.
8' & 10’W: 26" eave, 12' & wider: 36" eave. 
8'W – 20'W: 6'6" sidewalls, 24'W: 8' sidewalls.

Ontario | Signature

Gambrel, 6'6" sidewalls, 24'W: 8' sidewalls, 2"x10" top plate. 

Payson | Signature

Hip roof, 8/12 pitch, 4'D porch, twin posts, 6'6" sidewalls. Dimensions include porch.

Scioto 4 | Signature

Gambrel roof. 4'D porch: 6'6" sidewalls. Dimensions include porch.

Scioto 7 | Signature

Gambrel roof. 7’D porch: 8’ sidewalls. Dimensions include porch.

Skyline | Signature

Gable, 5/12 - 8/12 pitch. 8'W -20'W: 6'6"
sidewalls, 24'W: 8' sidewalls.

Somerset | Signature

Gable, 8/12 pitch. 6'6" sidewalls. Cathedral ceiling, 4 or 5 clerestory windows, 2 lofts: 22"D in 12'L, 20"D in 14'L, 32"D in 16'L, 56"D in 20'L, 68"D in 24'L.

Springfield | Signature

Saltbox, 6'6" sidewalls, side entry only.


3 Models, kid-sized and kid-tested with fantasy colors and details. Paint or stain included. 20-Yr warranty.

Castle | KidzSpace

Saltbox, 4' & 6'6" sidewalls. Adult door on right. Four 14"x21" windows, loft with ladder. Optional deck comes w/fancy white railings.

Clubhouse | KidzSpace

Gable, 10/12 pitch, 4' sidewalls. Adult door in back. Five 14"x21" & one octagon window, loft w/ladder. 8'x4' porch. Dimensions include porch.

Victorian | KidzSpace

Gable, 10/12 pitch, 4' sidewalls. Adult door on right. Two 14"x21" windows, loft with ladder. Optional deck comes w/fancy white railings.

Animal Shelters

Chicken coop or stables converted from any of four models. Paint or stain included. 20-Yr warranty.

Raised Henrietta Chicken Coop

Saltbox, raised 12" above ground, 6'x8'. Shown with optional screened porch. Two 14"x21" windows, 6 easy-access nesting boxes (3 with screened porch), roosting bar.


Stable & tack room. Hartford, Mystic or Skyline. 6' divider (OSB OS), 4' kickboard, 8' opening, reinforced perimeter, no floor.